Barry Hopkins
A student at the Catskill Middle School told me that "A Greater Sense of Place" was the most memorable experience in his education. For the past 10 years, Barry Hopkins has been the driving force behind this two day program which offers 80 workshops on environmental, cultural and civic awareness. "Appreciation for life starts at home. Our area was the cultural center of America from 1825 to 1875. We visit the same waterfalls and forests which inspired Hudson River School painters and writers like Thomas Cole, Winslow Homer, Thoreau and James Fenimore Cooper." Barry's educational philosophy includes hands-on experiences and direct exposure to the man-made and natural resources around us. Each year, around 400 kids meet local firefighters and business people, go bass fishing on the Hudson, learn how to make pizza, paint at Olana, discover native flora and fauna on canoe trips and construct shelters from branches and leaves where they will sleep overnight. Local artists bring ceramics, dance and folk arts into the classroom. Barry lines up most of the speakers and workshop leaders, coordinates the schedule, as well as raises money to cover the cost of equipment and transportation. As a testimony to the community's broad support of this program, most workshop leaders volunteer their time. The Kiwanis Club, after many years of contributing funding to "A Greater Sense of Place," has thanked Barry for his contribution to the community's pride and education by nominating him for this award.
In 1968, Barry moved to Catskill from Glenford, NY to be near the place which inspired Thomas Cole's paintings and writing. Barry's drawings, baskets and twig furniture are represented by galleries in New York City, the Adirondacks and Maine, as well as collections internationally. For nearly 10 years, Barry has served as an influential member of the Board of Directors for the Greene County Council on the Arts. He has been the Conference Chairman for both the NY State Outdoor Education Association as well as The New York State Art Teachers Association. His classroom at the Catskill Middle School is densely decorated with the art and artifacts of his 28 year commitment to teaching art which connects the individual to nature. As Co-Director of Kindred Spirits Wilderness Experiences, Barry offers workshops for adults in journal keeping, the Hudson River School of Painting and spritually connecting to the environment.
All images Copyright 1996 Fawn Potash. Any use without written permission is unlawful.